How you can help

There are many ways you can help SPLAT accomplish its goals.  If you and/or your company can donate used but functional laptops or you can donate computer learning disks and software (newly purchased in compliance with disk licensining laws) SPLAT will accept and distribute these donations appropriately.

Please contact me by e-mailing me at

Copies of SPLAT’s Articles of Incorporation and Federal Tax ID number can be provided to you and/or your company upon request and before you make any donation.

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One Comment on “How you can help”

  1. Susan Rios Says:

    Dear Michael,

    I am very impressed by your dedication and professionalism. I read a recent article in the L.A. Times and I would like to make a monetary donation. I am sure their are many of us who would like to know how we can donate to your charity. Do you accept checks/credit cards as forms of payment?

    Please contact me at the e-mail above.

    Thank you,

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